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From March 8, 2022 onwards

Now Available!

In her powerhouse collection, Unapologetically Feminist, poet Urvashi Bundel fights against the ravaging wildfires of misogyny, racism, and global social injustice with her own starbright flame. 

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She travels the world in line after feverish line—observing, reporting back, and crying out for change. The poet says,


The girl must eat
And the hyenas too.
In a fight to gather firewood,
She returns burned again from the bushes,
This time with the title of witch


In so many of the places she goes, a woman of color with a strong, independent mind is too often vilified—her rights singed, her reputation covered in soot. Capitalism and imperialist wars only throw more fossil fuels onto this fire that blazes through one drought-blighted country after another: 


How a nation gets auctioned
For sugar
And how tears become
Cheaper than onions.


Sometimes you have no choice but to fight fire with fire. In Unapologetically Feminist, Bundel rises like a phoenix to prepare the way for the new green growth that unfurls from these smoldering embers, the smell of smoke blossoming in her hair.



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Or should they be? That’s what I am trying to achieve.


Hi! My name is Urvashi, a humanitarian worker, who amongst other UN agencies like UNOPS, has also worked as refugee status determination officer with the UN Refugee Agency. It is, these times, which shaped much of my writing. As a legal adjudicator for asylum grant, I came across several downtrodden and helpless souls, which needed legal aid, yes, but above all, they sought respect for their identity and justice. Justice for the pains they and their families had suffered, while fleeing their war-torn states and justice for the unheard voices suppressed through domestic violence, conflict, or other non-state actors.


As for the inspiration itself, I feel inundated! I mean, where do you start, when you wake up with tabloids buzzing with headlines of Taliban’s takeover of Kabul and images of people holding their young ones chasing humanitarian airplanes in desperation, on one side, while on the other side, images of reeling Haiti after a devastating earthquake. This is where I found my inspiration. I wanted to write about human suffering, for sure, but also, wanted to address the social justice system and the imbalance created by lack of education, economic, and human rights. I wanted to voice out the unspoken moral dilemma that observers or adjudicators, people like me and you, often go through.


Oh well, long story short, after surviving harsh winters of Asia, Europe and America and bloody summers of Africa and Australia; after tasting sweat, blood and tears of Tokyo, Washington D.C., Rome, New York, New Delhi, Cairo, and Addis Ababa, I decided it was time! Time to create a delectable cocktail of poetic expressions and activism. So here I am, advocating for migrants, refugees, women, children, people of color, trees, and book lovers!


Now that you've made it this far, a good conversation is in order.

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Learn more about what the most renowned literary critics of today think of the latest bestselling piece about human rights, social justice & equality.

​The poetry collection Unapologetically Feminist by Urvashi Bundel is bound to inspire anyone who dares to read it. This incredible poet, law specialist, social entrepreneur and humanitarian is not afraid to speak from her heart, regardless of how direct and relentless her words may be. The addressed topics are in one way or another connected to feminism, equal opportunities, and different shapes and forms of activism. One cannot remain untouched by Bundel’s work, nor will they be able to ignore the passion that burns between the lines of these poems. Cultural references are combined with vivid imagery and compelling arguments, which support the fierce tone of verses, as they encourage rebellion and condemn pacifism.

Tint Journal

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